Public Coding Projects
Next.js Portofolio Website
The website you are currently viewing was made entirely with React and Next.JS. It is being hosted on GitHub through GitHub Actions. It also was made without the use of any templates.
Watchlist is a personal project built with javafx + java that stores your shows watched, the current episode you're on, and your current watching status.
Traveler Integrated
This is the main project I contributed to during my undergraduate research. It is an integrated visualization system for parallel execution data, including OTF2 traces annd HPX execution trees. In simple terms, it is code and data visualization software.
This was an iOS recreation of MineSweeper that I made in my own free time. It allowed for custom amounts of mines and custom board sizes.
This is a completely original creation I made for my final project in my Udacity iOS course. It used an AI image recognition API from DeepAI and has the user provide a picture of something the AI attempts to recognize as fast as possible.
WWDC 2019 Submission
This is a basic 2D infinite platformer iOS app that I made using SpriteKit for WWDC 2019.
Virtual Tourist
This iOS app lets you click somewhere on a map to see pictures taken nearby using an API. It was made during my Udacity course.
On The Map
This iOS app uses the Udacity API to log a user in with their given login information. It then showcases a list of other people logged in and their exact location on a map (using the fake data provided by Udacity). This app was made during my Udacity course.
Pitch Perfect
An iOS app that allows you to record audio and then pitch it up or down. This app was made during my Udacity course.
MeMe 1 and 2
An iOS app that allows someone to make a 'meme' with top and bottom text from and image of their choice by rendering text on top of an image. This app was made during my Udacity course.
HTML Portfolio Website
I originally created my portfolio website using nothing but basic html, css, and javascript. It is still being hosted in github pages, so if you want to look at it just click the image on the left.
Copyright© 2022 Tristan Spatscheck. All Rights Reserved.